

そして、何を言われても「Yes]か「No]と「Thank you」くらいしか返事しますか。この本を見つけました。フレンドリーな談笑を作れるように簡単な表現を教えてくれます。英語初心者の主婦方に役に立つかもしれませんので、ここでお勧めします。

CD付 スティーブ・ソレイシィのトッピング英会話

I find this book to be useful for housewives. I feel that many Japanese housewives feel nervous when their foreign neighbours talk to them. Feeling unprepared, they usually reply with a simple "Yes" or "No", followed by a "Thank you" to end the conversation. This book helps to extend that conversation and expressing friendliness so that one would not come across as abrupt or aloof.

Would you want to give it a try?